Localisation /

how to get here

how to get here

International flights
There are direct flights from Buenos Aires to Porto Seguro.
From Europe to Brazil abound options! Amsterdam-Sao Paulo flights (KLM), Paris-Sao Paulo (TAM / AirFrance), Dusseldorf, Frankfurt and London, Rio de Janeiro (Condor), Lisbon-Sao Paulo, Belo Horizonte and Salvador (TAP) ...
There after you have to take a national flight to Porto Seguro (TAM / GOL / Trip).

National Flights
There are daily direct flights arriving from Belo Horizonte, São Paulo and Salvador to Porto Seguro.

There are excelent bus connections in Brazil. Luxury bus, comfortable, punctual and affordable. There are connections to Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, Salvador, Ilhéus, São Paulo and Vitória.

From the airport (4 km) or the bus station (3km), it takes about 10 minutes by taxi to the ferry to Arraial d'Ajuda. There is no bus from the airport to the ferry.
Crossing the 'Rio Buranhém' costs R$ 3.50 p.p. and takes approximately 10 minutes as well.
After crossing the ferry, it takes 2 km by car, bus or van to our hotels.

Tell us when you will arrive, we offer a taxi service to the airport or bus station in Porto Seguro!


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